DataNumen RAR Repair
DataNumen RAR Repair
DataNumen RAR Repair
DataNumen RAR Repair

DataNumen RAR Repair

0 Reviews


App specs:




DataNumen RAR Repair


Last updated


Windows 11
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2016
Windows 10 32/64 bit
Windows Server 2012
Windows 2008 32/64 bit
Windows 2003
Windows 8 32/64 bit
Windows 7 32/64 bit
Windows Vista 32/64 bit
Windows XP 32/64 bit



Not being able to access your RAR archives can be frustrating but, luckily, there are a few solutions that you can try out to address this issue.

DataNumen RAR Repair prides itself on having one of the highest recovery rates in fixing corrupted archives, allowing you to recover the content inside with minimum data loss.

It is worth mentioning from the start that there are two working modes available in DataNumen RAR Repair.

If you plan on repairing a single archive, browse for the input file and choose the output directory first. Despite the application’s name, it can also fix SFX archives, not just RAR files.

With the click of a button, the operation is initiated, and all the actions taken by the application are revealed in the log section. DataNumen RAR Repair also works with encrypted RAR archives, which makes it even more valuable.

All the recoverable items in the corrupted archive are shown in a simple table, allowing you to save them to the selected location on your PC.

Batch operations are supported as well, meaning that DataNumen RAR Repair can also process multiple archives simultaneously. You must add the input files manually or use the application’s built-in search tool to look for RAR files on the host machine.

The file searcher can also look inside subfolders upon request and filter the search results by various criteria, such as file size, file attributes or the timestamp.  Clicking the “Options” tab, you can easily toggle fast scan and recovery and configure the application to repair solid or multi-volume RAR archives.

With a minimum configuration process, DataNumen RAR Repair can fix corrupted RAR files and SFX archives and recover the data stored inside. Batch operations are supported, which allows you to repair multiple archives in one go, while the integrated search function can help you identify potentially broken archives much faster.

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