What is DeskPic?


DeskPic is a handy little tool for those long hours at work or when deadlines start creeping up on you. You know how it feels when you miss your family or loved ones while grinding away? Well, having a picture of them right on your desktop can make a big difference! It’s a sweet way to keep them close, and the best part? It’s discreet enough that your coworkers might not even notice.

Easy to Use and Portable

One of the coolest things about DeskPic is that you don’t even need to install it on your computer! Just pop it onto a USB flash drive, and you’re good to go. Whenever you want to use it, just launch it from your USB!

Simplified Access

This app adds an icon in your system tray. A quick right-click gives you access to all the settings. Since DeskPic runs as an AutoHotkey script, you can easily pause it with one click and restart it whenever you're ready.

Customize Your Images

Select an image from your files and adjust its size using easy sliders. When you drag one of them with your mouse, you'll see the changes happen right away! You can also tweak the transparency level so it's not too distracting while you're working.

Add Some Flair!

If you're keeping that classic rectangle shape for your photo, why not jazz it up with a frame? You can choose between thin or large frames based on what suits your style best!

A Personal Touch to Your Desktop

In short, DeskPic allows you to personalize your desktop by adding any image you love. Plus, it's totally free software! So enjoy these features as long as you'd like without any worries!

How Download Works

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