What is DMG Automounter FOR LINUX?

DMG Automounter

DMG Automounter is a handy Nautilus script that lets you mount Mac OS X .dmg files on any Linux distribution that uses the GNOME desktop. Just to be clear, it won’t let you install the files because that needs special Mac OS X APIs, which aren’t open source.

Setting Up DMG Automounter

1. To get everything running smoothly, make sure the folder dmg2img is in your home directory. If you move dmg2img elsewhere, you'll need to update its location in the dmgmount script. Also, both scripts, dmgmount and dmgunmount, should be placed in this path: /home/(your username)/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts for them to work properly.

If you like using a graphical interface (GUI), here’s what to do: Open your home folder, hit Ctrl-H to show hidden files, and scroll down until you find the folder named .gnome2. Then just drag and drop both scripts into the nautilus scripts folder. Prefer using commands? No problem! Just run this command: cp /path/to/script ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts. After that step, whether you're using GUI or the command line, open your terminal and run sudo chmod a+x ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/*.

Mounting and Unmounting DMG Files

2. When it comes time to mount a dmg file, just right-click on it. You’ll see an option labeled “Scripts,” where you can select dmgmount. Once you're done with it and want to unmount the dmg file, avoid clicking “unmount” automatically! Instead, right-click on the original dmg again and go back to “Scripts” to choose dmgunmount.

Download DMG Automounter Now!

This tool makes handling .dmg files on Linux super easy. Whether you're a fan of dragging and dropping or typing out commands, DMG Automounter has got your back!

How Download Works

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