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App specs:




DnsSpeeder 2.85


Last updated


Windows 2003
Windows 7
Windows Vista
Windows XP
Windows 2K



DnsSpeeder is a networking application that assumes the role of a DNS proxy server, with the ultimate goal of enhancing the speed of the Internet connection and protecting your system from potential online threats.

Its main function is to process all the received DNS requests and search the domains in the local cache first, rather than sending them to the corresponding server. If the domain is found, the result is sent back to the client, which can reduce the access time. Otherwise, the request is forwarded to the target domain name server.

DnsSpeeder manages all the DNS servers in a simple manner and evaluates their resolving speed, while also providing options for creating new entries and deleting existing ones, removing inactive servers or importing a list from a locally stored file.

The application can cache DNS records and store them in the designated section, displaying the number of hits and the request time. As mentioned above, the cache is the first area where a requested IP address is looked up, for easier and faster access.

The intuitive interface comprises options for starting and stopping the server, as well as filtering and blocking IP addresses. All the received requests are displayed in an organized table, along with the corresponding domain, the source IP address, the type, status and timestamp.

Requests can be filtered using regular expressions, which means that you can create exclusion lists to include domains you don't want to be resolved using DnsSpeeder. Moreover, the application can create a list of wrong IP addresses sent by some DNS servers in the attempt to hijack a domain and immediately erase them from the cache.

DnsSpeeder offers you a faster method of resolving domains and processing requests using DNS cache. Its filtering capabilities, along with the proxy support recommend it as a reliable tool for securing your connection.

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