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IMDb Rate Viewer 3.2
Last updated
In order to see if a movie is worth watching, most people go online and take a look on IMDb, in order to check its rating, screenshots and description. IMDb, short for Internet Movie Database offers you detailed information about movies, TV series and shows. A fast and reliable application that can help you get this information faster is IMDb Rate Viewer.
It allows you to search for a movie, then retrieve any information about it from IMDb. In order to properly function, the application needs Internet connection and .Net Framework installed on your computer.
IMDb Rate Viewer gives you the possibility to search for a movie on IMDb, then retrieve any relevant data about it. The program finds any relevant movie titles, so even if you do not know exactly the name of a movie, you can still find it by typing keywords from its title.
You can search only for movies or TV series, depending on your preferences. Each retrieved movie description contains the user rating, title and rating count, along with a short description. You can see certain screenshots from the movie, either on IMDb, or retrieved from Google Images.
IMDb Rate Viewer gives you the option to rate your favorite movies, by creating entries for each show added. You can type the title and personal rating, along with several details, such as movie location on your hard drive.
Each movie table can be exported to TXT, thus giving you the possibility to create “playlists” of your favorite TV shows, that can be shared with your friends.
IMDb Rate Viewer helps you find your favorite movies and TV shows, then retrieve any relevant information from IMDb with ease.
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