openMSX Portable

openMSX Portable

0 Reviews


App specs:




openMSX Portable 0.19.0


Last updated


Windows 10 32/64 bit



openMSX Portable is a small tool that acts as an emulator for the MSX home computer system with high accuracy. The tool comes with a console interface from where you can control all aspects of the OS while it is running and that you can access by pressing F10. In case you did not use a similar utility before, then typing help provides you with a comprehensive list of commands.

If you open the machine without command parameters, then you are likely to get the default machine settings or the C-BIOS MXX2+ machine, in case you did not change the default machine. Changing it can be done by typing the reset command and then existing openMXS. Tweaking the performance of the machine can be done via the set command.

When you get started, you are likely to receive a message stating 'Cartridge not found', which you should not worry about. The reason for this is that the openMSX is running a free BIOS machine for MSX, which is in development and hence, does not include the full functionality of a complete machine. At the same time, take note that the app does not come with ROMs, primarily because they are under copyright, so it is illegal to add them to the package without a valid license.

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