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Video Ads Blocker 2.0
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Video Ads Blocker is a super easy program that helps you browse the internet without all those annoying ads. It’s like having a shield while you surf!
This free tool, known as VAB, can actually speed up your browsing by up to 300%! That’s right—by blocking pesky ads, it reduces incoming traffic and makes web pages load way faster.
The cool thing about VAB is it can block lots of different types of ads. These include inline videos, background sounds, animated GIFs, and even Flash movies. You won’t have to deal with those distracting interruptions anymore!
Did you know that many spyware programs sneak onto your computer through ads? With VAB, you can surf safely because it blocks video ads and flashing banners from services like ICQ, AOL Instant Messenger, and MSN Messenger.
VAB covers all the major video ad formats. This includes Full-Screen Superstitials, Over-Page Advertising, In-Page Advertising, Video Multi-layer ads, Floating ads—you name it! You’ll hardly see any video commercials popping up again.
By default, everything except for background sounds and animated GIFs gets blocked. If you want to allow or block specific types of ads, just choose “No” or “Yes.” Just remember that for VAB to work properly, it needs to be in a “Monitor” state.
To get started with the program, simply click the Monitor button. You’ll notice the icon change from a sitting dog to a standing one—that means it’s active! Any changes you make will take effect when you open a new browser window or restart Internet Explorer (just close all open windows first).
If you’re ready to download Video Ads Blocker, say goodbye to distractions and enjoy smooth surfing today!
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