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SlowQuitApps is a handy little tool for macOS users. It helps with a common issue: accidentally quitting apps when you hit the Command + Q keys. This utility runs quietly in the background and delays that quit action by just one second.

How SlowQuitApps Works

The cool thing about SlowQuitApps is that it stays out of your way. You won’t see any icons pop up in your status bar, and there’s no fancy interface to deal with unless you actually use the Command + Q shortcut. So, it's pretty low-key!

Setting It Up Easily

For your convenience, SlowQuitApps can add itself to your login items. This means once you set it up, it will automatically run in the background every time you start your Mac, without needing any extra fuss from you.

Quitting SlowQuitApps

If you ever want to stop using SlowQuitApps, just head over to the Applications Manager on your Mac. Find its process there and use the built-in quit function—it’s super simple!

Resource Usage

The best part? When it's on standby, SlowQuitApps doesn’t gobble up any CPU power. Even when actively running, it uses very little—like around 1% of processing power and less than 10MB of RAM on a 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac with 6GB of RAM.

A Simple Delay Feature

If you try to quit an app using that default hotkey, SlowQuitApps will show a delay screen on top of your desktop. This gives you a visual clue about how much longer you have to hold down Command + Q before it actually quits.

Customize Your Delay (Optional)

The default delay is set at one second, and while there aren’t many customization options available right off the bat, you can change this by entering a command in Terminal: defaults write com.dteoh.SlowQuitApps delay [input value expressed in milliseconds].

Your Time Saver!

In short, SlowQuitApps offers a straightforward yet effective solution to help prevent those annoying accidental quits. It can save you time when you're working hard!

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