SpotFiles is a cool little app for macOS that makes searching for files super easy and fun! You might already know that macOS has its own advanced file search system. To find a file, just open any Finder window, click the sprocket button on the top toolbar, and choose 'Show Search Criteria' from the drop-down menu. Trust me, you’ll be amazed at all the options you have!
Why Use SpotFiles?
You probably know about Spotlight, right? It’s that awesome tool that comes with macOS. It can search almost anything on your computer and integrates really well with your desktop. But here’s where SpotFiles comes in—it’s designed to take the best parts of both Spotlight and macOS's native search engine and make it even better!
User-Friendly Interface
The first thing you’ll notice about SpotFiles is its simple interface. It's not cluttered at all! You can easily look for files based on several criteria like name, size, kind, created date, modified date, and tags. Each option has its own customizable settings too! How cool is that?
Add Multiple Search Criteria
You can add as many search criteria as you want! So if you're looking for something specific, feel free to mix it up. Plus, you can even run multiple searches at the same time. Talk about efficiency!
Keyboard Shortcuts
If you love using keyboard shortcuts (and who doesn’t?), you'll be happy to know that you can summon SpotFiles just like Spotlight. It’s super handy when you’re in a rush!
Your Go-To File Searching Solution
In summary, if you're looking for an efficient and user-friendly way to search through all your files on macOS, SpotFiles is definitely worth checking out! It works beautifully alongside both Spotlight and macOS's default search system without complicating things.
If you're ready to give it a try, download SpotFiles here!
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