0 Reviews
Checksum 0.1.0
Last updated
Checksums - you may have seen them when downloading files from various websites and they're basically strings that act as a sort of identification trait for the files in question.
In short, checksum can be used to ensure the integrity of a file after it has been transfered from between various mediums or storage devices. That said, you can check a checksum by employing the services of one of the multitude of both online and desktop apps out there.
Boasting a very non-imaginative yet self-explanatory name, Checksum is one such utility. It's available for both Windows and Linux, and it's built with web technologies, meaning that it's not exactly lightweight when compared to other tools of this sort out there.
It's also not exactly stellar in terms of features either. However, the app has one significant advantage which might make you want to give it a try, namely support for a wide array of hash functions.
You're provided with everything from the commonplace M4, MD5 and SHA, all the way up to DSA (DSA-SHA, DSA-SHA1, DSA-SHA1-old), RSA (RSA-MD4, RSA-MD5, RSA-MDC2, etc), dsaEncryption, DSS1, ripemd, and SSL (SSL2-MD5, SSL3-MD5, SSL3-SHA1), and whirlpool.
Other than that, you get a minimalist GUI that allows you to load files, view their checksum, and easily copy them to your computer's clipboard (via a dedicated button) and that's basically about it.
Taking everything into account, Checksum is a useful checksum utility that can be used on two of the most popular OSes out there, and that sports an impressive collection of hash functions.
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