What is Convert .ps to .pdf service menu FOR LINUX?

Convert .ps to .pdf Service Menu

Convert .ps to .pdf service menu is a super simple script that helps you change files from PS format to PDF. It’s really handy when you need to share files or keep them organized!

Getting Started with ps2pdf

First things first, you’ll need the ps2pdf command installed on your system. Most of the time, it comes pre-installed. But if you're unsure, just open your terminal and run the command which ps2pdf. If it’s not there, don’t worry! You can usually install it using your package manager.

Where Do the Files Go?

Once you convert your files, the output PDF will be saved right in your HOME directory. So no hunting around for where it went! Super easy!

Handling Filenames with Spaces

If your filename has spaces in it, that’s not a problem at all! During conversion, those spaces will turn into underscores. I did this because I find spaced filenames annoying, but if you prefer spaces, feel free to tweak that part of the code!

Making Your Script Work

You might need to make the .sh file executable. If that's needed, just go ahead and do that. After that, place it in a directory that's part of your path—like /home/YOUR_USERNAME/bin.

Setting Up Your Service Menu File

The last step is to put the service menu file called convert_ps_to_pdf.desktop into this folder: /home/YOUR_USERNAME/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus. And voila! You're all set up.

If you're ready to start converting files today, check out this link here!

How Download Works

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