

0 Reviews


App specs:




Encrypted 3.0


Last updated


Windows 7 32/64 bit
Windows Vista
Windows XP



The Internet is a free place, which means everybody can find out what anybody else is doing. This is why most look for ways of delivering password protected messages or encrypting files in order to keep important documents safe. In this regard, Encrypted comes as a simple means of adding an extra layer of security over text and files.

Running the application brings up a pretty simple interface that poses no accommodation problems whatsoever. The blank space is actually a text input field, but it's difficult to find this out since there are no dedicated text tools or controls. Another built-in component replaces the input field with a selection screen in order to protect files.

However, it's not like anything you expected to find, at least when it comes to file support. When it comes to text, strings need to either manually be written in the given field or copied, because of poor file support. What's more, saving is rather ambiguous, with no messages revealed when loaded later on, which has a major impact on overall practicality.

The other counterpart is dedicated to any kind of file. Simply filling in the source and destination fields with the built-in open dialog gets the job half done. What's left is to write down and confirm a password so nobody else except yourself can access them. Decryption is done in a much similar manner.

However, the application isn't all that practical and doesn't seem to provide the sense of security you're looking for. Saving and loading files is rather difficult and with no confirmation. What's more, apart from the encryption algorithm strength level, there aren't any other options to manage, not even to provide the application itself with a master password.

Taking everything into consideration, we can say that Encrypted comes with good intentions, but gets stuck somewhere along the way. It makes a decent first impression through the simple interface, but once you go deeper into configuring settings and encrypting files it all gets rather confusing and difficult, with results not living up to expectations.

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