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App specs:




StellaWake 1.3.2


Last updated


Windows 11
Windows 10 32/64 bit
Windows 8 32/64 bit
Windows 7 32/64 bit
Windows Vista 32/64 bit
Windows XP 32/64 bit



PC usage can sometimes become more intensive than expected, and this has both direct and indirect repercussions. For instance, one might sense differences in performance, especially due to the fluctuations in the operating parameters of hardware and software components. However, power consumption has an even more pronounced effect, with significant increases. Working around that can be achieved using the sleep mode, but getting around to using its full potential through the built-in Windows module, can be problematic. StellaWake aims to address such requirements, by making the sleep mode more interactive and customizable, for better results.

Right after the swift deployment, the application will initialize automatically and will be readily accessible through a nifty tray-area icon. Using it, one will be able to quickly select one of the pre-defined sleep mode actions, and toggle between them.

Basically, the app will allow users to easily choose between the standard, Windows-controlled sleep mode, or their own, defined sleep-blocking modes, which can be customized using the detailed options menu.

One of the strengths of StellaWake is by far its settings bank, which features a nice, structured approach, and manages to contain all the necessary elements for setting up the preferred sleep mode blocking.

A very good approach is used for setting up the sleep prevention thresholds, which is based on monitoring network traffic, as well as local data operations, which can prove to be very useful when downloading content from the Internet, or copying multiple files.

Featuring an adequate approach towards setting up sleep mode prevention, this application can prove to be a reliable solution for setting up your PC’s sleep mode behavior, in great detail.

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