Whois Email Grabber
Whois Email Grabber
Whois Email Grabber
Whois Email Grabber
Whois Email Grabber
Whois Email Grabber
Whois Email Grabber

Whois Email Grabber

0 Reviews


App specs:




Whois Email Grabber


Last updated


Windows 10 32/64 bit
Windows 8 32/64 bit
Windows 7 32/64 bit



If you are on the lookout for a hassle-free means of collecting information on particular websites, resorting to a capable Whois tool should make the entire task quick and untroublesome.

Whois Email Grabber is one such application that can provide you with details on a website’s IP address, registration and expiration date, admin name and email, and many others, which you can subsequently export for analysis purposes.

Whois Email Grabber is an application that puts a lot of emphasis on the way data is collected, making the process straightforward and quick so that you can create reports in the blink of an eye.

In order to start extracting data, all you need to do is load a domain list or create it yourself. That means you can either add domains manually or resort to a dedicated tool capable of searching for all domains based on keywords you provide. Note that, for this task, you rely on Google, Bing, and Yahoo, but you can manage the search engines as you see fit.

Once the main window is populated with a list of domains, clicking the “Start” button should fill in the corresponding boxes with various details such as title, IP address, registration and expiration date, registration name, email, phone, fax, and address.

Needless to say, you can specify the fields you want to be generated in the result sets so that you are prompted strictly with relevant data. Aside from that, filtering options are offered so that you can effortlessly browse through the contents before saving them to a file.

And since we have touched upon the subject, you may want to know that exporting the results to CSV, TXT, or XLS should raise no difficulty whatsoever, and in case that seems useful, you can also copy them to the clipboard.

Whois Email Grabber is a straightforward piece of software you can turn to in order to compile lots of details about any list of domains. The program comes with filtering options and lets you save the results to various formats, being overall easy to use and responsive.

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