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OpenBullet 1.2.2 (707)
Last updated
OpenBullet is a straightforward yet very well-equipped application built specifically for web developers. It allows just about anyone with a moderate web testing knowledge to perform requests towards a target web app.
The main advantage of OpenBullet is represented by its substantial number of useful features that allow users to scrape and parse data, as well as perform automated penetration and unit testing through Selenium and other similar software.
To get started with OpenBullet, users need to first download the official OpenBullet API and ensure that their computer is running .NET Core 2.2 (Core SDK 2.2).
Once installed, users are required to open the appsettings.json file and tweak/configure the following 3 editable fields: db, configFolder, and secretKey.
The first one represents the LiteDB database file used to store user information (it will be created automatically if it doesn't exist). configFolder is the folder on the filesystem where the configs are stored, and the secretKey is used to access the api/users endpoint as well as manage users.
Running it will require users to open a terminal window, navigate to the location where OpenBulletAPI.dll is located and the following command: "donnet ./OpenBulletAPI.dll. This command will execute the app which will be remotely accessible on the HTTP port 5000. More information is available on the app's official guide on GitHub.
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